In February, a group of thoughtful fifth graders at Walnut Hills Elementary School in Michigan, and their visionary leader, Ms. Nord, set out to “just start the conversation,” and that conversation was simply…YOU MATTER. Weeks of brainstorming, planning, and prepping paid off as the fifth grade BLOOM girls shared their message to every single one of their students as well as staff. From encouraging locker messages (on every single locker) and uplifting signs, to inspiring read-alouds and gifts, these young women exemplified compassion and dedication from start to finish. A wave of love and encouragement flooded Walnut Hills Elementary, and touched everyone! Thank you so much, BLOOM and Ms. Nord! Thanks also goes out to the Walnut Hills PTO for their generous donation, and to the 5th grade BLOOM parents who made room in their schedules for some extra meetings.
Teresa Nord serves on the Do It for Hunter Board of Directors, and has known Hunter since birth, being his mom’s very first friend since Kindergarten! She was thrilled to take on this adventure at her school in Michigan to spread the YOU MATTER message far beyond Florida!