group eating ice cream
Handsome and proud Hunter wearing graduation cap and gown and tassels giving the peace sign

Hunter was a normal 18 year old who excelled in school, played football and lacrosse, surfed, rode his longboard, loved his dog and cat, could McGyver anything, and loved his family and friends.  Hunter had just graduated from Eastern Florida State University with his AA degree at the same time as graduating from Merritt Island High School.  He was only six weeks into college at the University of Central Florida with plans to earn his Mechanical Engineering degree. Simply put, he had a bad day. He failed an online math test when the power and internet in his college apartment went down, he had a panic attack, and he took his life.   It was later we learned in some notes in his phone that he felt that he didn’t matter. Like so many others, he hid his feelings, his thoughts, his anxiety, his depression. While his life was overflowing with great friends and a large loving family, he wouldn’t talk about his feelings.  If it could happen to Hunter, it could happen to anyone. We want to give a face to suicide. We want to equip young people with strategies for getting through life, panic attacks, anxiety. We want to save the Hunter’s in this world. Even if it’s just one. That’s our “why.”

Happy Mother’s Day Momma! Thanks for being the best mom in the whole wide world

Hunter – May 2021

“Do It For Hunter” Means

  • TALK
  • It means STAY
  • It means REACH OUT FOR HELP, and REACH IN to help those who may be struggling
  • Know how to survive a panic attack

Do It For Hunter