Our dedicated team of friends and family are 100% volunteer driven, and work for pizza. This is close to their hearts. They are teachers, students, physical therapists and executives, all doing their thing to help save lives from suicide. Click on their photos to get to know them, and they’ll win your heart.
Volunteer Board of Directors
Ginny Gleason
I am a retired School Counselor from Brevard Public Schools who worked closely with parents, and most recently supported all Elementary school counselors. I care deeply about suicide awareness and prevention.
Amaya Quintal
Being a part of this movement is really important to me, giving me the opportunity to just spread love and kindness to those who may need it most.
Hannah Kercsmar
Senior at MIHS
Varsity Cheerleader
Sources of Strength member
Trach Kercsmar
Hunter was my best friend and like a brother to me. My goal is to honor him and save lives by spreading love to everyone.
Heather Muszynski
I look forward to being a part of spreading the You Matter message in my hometown as a living legacy of my nephew Hunter Haskins.
Teresa Nord
Girl Mom
Shane Carson
FIT student, Business Administration major, lacrosse player.
Beth Beil
“even if we only help one person…it’s worth it.”
Carey Nobles
It is my honor to serve on the board and to be a part of something that is bigger then ourselves.
Lisa Kercsmar
Vice President
I am honored to sit on this board to reach outside of the high school and help others in our community and beyond to spread the word that we all matter in this world.
Kelly Haskins
President & Founder
I’m just a mom trying to save a life. Hunter was my son. He was a brother, nephew, uncle, grandson and friend. He didn’t mean to go, he just had a panic attack and didn’t have the tools to handle it. That’s what I want to change. I want to make sure all kids have the tools in their toolbox to handle panic situations.